Friday, 10 February 2017

Jessica's Ghost

By far, the most popular book to date.  This hit the mark for lots of reasons.

"This was my favourite because it's not really about describing, it's more about an actual story.  Every time the teacher told me to stop reading, I didn't want to."

"It's quite slow-paced until the end, but it's nice because I know what's happening - with Dreaming The Bear I got quite confused."

"There's a really good swapping of gender roles.  The boy is into sewing and stuff and the girl is called a 'thuglet' by her mum."

"All the characters are outsiders at the start.  But they start to look out for each other and stand up for each other."

"By the end of the book, they've all got loads more self-confidence.  Like, the bullies' comments wouldn't bother them anymore.  They've grown up and seem much happier."

Friday, 3 February 2017

Help Wanted at Fearnhill BOOKClub

A disappointing turnout today!  Maybe everyone's got the flu.  Or maybe the novelty has worn off.  Or maybe Miss Corbishley's lack of cake is to blame.

Do you like reading?

Do you like books?

Do you like giving reviews to your fellow clubmates?

Then BOOKClub is for YOU!

BOOKClub is on every Friday lunchtime in E5 (apart from the holiday - cos no-one would go to school in the holidays.  Not even for cake.  Did we say there was cake?) so get down here now!

If you come, and you like it, how about you post on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram - any social media?  Post it, link it, help get BOOKClub back out there!

Author - Eleanor Brewer