Friday, 19 May 2017

Into That Forest

NB - It's not that musical with James Corden...

(Not this weird musical.  Seriously, have you seen it?  It's really weird!).

It's this magnificent novel by Louis Nowra:

A really unusual book, kind of like a modern day Jungle Book, with girls, not a boy!

However, Poppy disagrees with Miss Corbishley.  "It's not like The Jungle Book!  Because in The Jungle Book, they're teaching him how to be a human.  But in this book, they're teaching the girls how to be tigers.  The girls start copying the tigers:  hunting and walking on four legs and stuff."

Eleanor actually stopped reading this book after the first two pages!  Disgraceful!  "I fell asleep.  It was so boring. There's no action.  It's very slow paced (like Dreaming The Bear)."

Poppy agreed that the beginning was boring, but that once it gets going, it's really good.

Miss Corbishley liked the narrative style.  It's narrated by one of the girls when she's an old lady - so it's all told in a flashback.

Opinion is completely and utterly divided.  Miss Corbishley asked "Shall we recommend this?" and was met with a simultaneous "YES" and "NO".

So the jury's out on this one.  On balance, as Poppy said, "Don't just read the first page, you know.  Read the first 20 or 30 before you make your decision!"

And I agree.